Thursday 18 July 2013

Horoscopes Lend Guidance and Self-Esteem to People of All Ages

When it comes to reading horoscopes, some people truly believe in what they are reading while others simply read them for fun.  Astrology is nothing new and has been used for thousands of years by people of all nations, ranks, and religions. The popularity of horoscopes has grown tremendously over the past several decades. 

For some people, reading their horoscope on a daily basis can provide them with confidence and guidance when it comes to making difficult decisions in their lives. People often search for meaning in their horoscope even though most of them are vaguely written and designed for a wide audience of people.  For some, seeking answers to important questions from their zodiac sign has become a way of life. 

The more people are able to attribute what they read in their horoscopes to things that happen in their lives with the end results being positive the more likely they are to begin reading their horoscope every day. For some people, they become so involved in their horoscope that they simply can’t function properly without knowing what the future might bring for them. 

Horoscopes are simply used as entertainment, and most people realise this. However, this doesn’t mean that people can’t build-up their self-esteem and self-confidence from astrology. In today’s society there are many different genres of horoscopes including celebrity horoscopes, romance horoscopes, humorous horoscopes, and more. Whether or not people actually believe what they read from horoscopes, it doesn’t mean they can’t receive guidance and self-esteem. 

Thursday 2 May 2013

What Does the History of Astrology Say about You?

The history of astrology dates back many years and was actually used in ancient science. It is older than both psychology and astronomy.  Astrology has been studied throughout the entire world for thousands of years. The basis for the study includes the interactions amongst the stars as they coincide with the planets based on complex calculated cycles.  

Astrological records have been dated back to 1645 B.C. in Babylon, with the earliest horoscopes dating back to 410 B.C. in several different locations throughout the world including Egypt, which was one of the first sophisticated developments of timekeeping and calendars known to mankind. Other areas of the world where horoscope was commonly used were Rome and Greece where powerful men and women used the information to go about their day to day activities.  

As the world became better educated and more people became literate, more and more astrological almanacs were being printed and used by the public to help predict certain aspects of their life. Notable historians throughout our history have used astrology as a scientific aspect of their life including Galileo and Copernicus who both practiced astrology and believed in it as a science. Over time it began to lose its luster as many of the predictions about certain aspects of their time period failed to happen as they predicted.